Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hillary to Bill: Knock it off on Bosnia


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Clinton wants her husband to quit talking about her trip to Bosnia in 1996, the former president said Friday. "Hillary called me and said, "I misstated it, you said I misstated it, but you got to let me handle it because you don't remember it, either.' ... I said, 'Yes, ma'am,' " Bill Clinton said in Terre Haute, Indiana.

The comments follow those he made in Boonville, Indiana, on Thursday, when he strongly defended his wife over the recent coverage surrounding her 1996 Bosnia trip claims, saying the media acted as if she'd "robbed a bank."

"I got tickled the other day, a lot of the way this whole campaign has been covered has amused me, but there was a lot of fulminating because Hillary, one time late at night when she was exhausted, misstated and immediately apologized for it, what happened to her in Bosnia in 1995. Did y'all see all that? Oh, they blew it up," the former president said at a campaign event.

"You would have thought, you know, that she'd robbed a bank the way they carried on about this," he added. "And some of them, when they're 60, they'll forget something when they're tired at 11 at night, too."

On March 26, Hillary Clinton said she "misspoke" during a foreign policy address March 17 when she gave a dramatic description of her arrival in Bosnia 12 years ago, recounting a landing under sniper fire. She said that when she arrived in Bosnia on March 25, 1996, "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

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