Monday, April 28, 2008

Sydney's $260m cheap home plan

Prime city land will be transformed into hundreds of new affordable apartments under a $260 million project to bring key workers, priced out of the property market, closer to their work.

The City of Sydney's depot in Bay Street, Ultimo, home to a collection of garbage trucks, and a piece of nearby State Government land now housing 5 per cent of the area's public housing tenants, will be handed over as part of the project to address the city's affordable housing shortage.

The development on the 3.6-hectare site in Glebe-Ultimo will be for 700 new affordable, social and private housing units.

Workers who would benefit include police officers, nurses, cleaners and security guards.





山 東 火 車 相 撞 500 死 傷

(星島日報報道) 內地發生十一年來最嚴重火車相撞慘劇。一列從北京開出的火車昨凌晨在山東境內,疑因超速 導致脫軌,被另一火車攔腰相撞,數百乘客在睡夢中被夾死或拋出車外,最少七十人死亡,四百一十六人受傷,傷者包括四名法國人。當局出動數千名軍警及醫護人 員救援,濟南鐵路局局長及黨組書記已被撤職。


  事發於昨日凌晨四時四十一分,由北京開往青島的T195次載客 火車,行至山東膠濟鐵路淄博市周村站至王村站,第九至十七卡車廂突然脫軌,車尾橫鎆於對面路軌,被迎面而來由山東煙台開往菏澤的5034次載客火車攔腰相撞。5034次火車車頭及第一至五卡車廂亦脫軌翻側。

外匯基金見紅 虧損146億

全球投資市場波動,連累外匯基金今年首季出現146億虧損,其中股票虧損達524億,拖累整體盈利。這是2001年以來,首季虧損最多的一次;也是 2005年以來,首次出現季度業績「見紅」。面對立法會議員的質疑,金管局總裁任志剛罕有地提前透露,4月份的投資回報不俗,可將頭三個月的虧損「賺回 來」。

早前任志剛已經預告過,由於全球投資環境轉弱,因此外匯基金2008年第一季度的投資難免有所虧損。在昨天(4月28日)的立法會財經事務委員會時正式公 布:首季投資債券賺256億元,外匯亦獲利122億元。但股票市場虧損達524億,港股和其他股票各虧300億和224億,總計虧損146億元。



任志剛隨即反駁說:「若湯議員找到一些基金,首季虧損同樣是少於百分之一的,請你說給我聽,讓我邀請這些投資經理來。很多港股基金虧損都很多,投資亦總有 贏有輸。」任志剛認為,不能單以某一個環節的投資去看,亦不能「輸打贏要」,各項投資在此消彼長下,才能令上季投資虧損佔外匯基金總資產少於1%。


任志剛隨即罕有提前透露,四月份的投資已有「少許改善」,過去三個月的虧損已開始賺回,希望四月後會轉虧為盈。另因去年四月開始改變跟政府的分帳安排,分 帳額會按近六年平均投資回報計算,2008年收費率由7%提升至9.4%,政府財政儲備今年首季仍可獲分帳118億元,預計全年更會有超過400億元。





Storms leave 200 injured in Virginia, officials say

Story Highlights

NEW: Injuries in Suffolk, where a tornado destroyed homes and businesses

A second tornado struck Colonial Heights injuring at least 18, an official said

Video shows roofs torn off, cars flipped, trees snapped in half

A third twister damaged several homes near Lawrenceville

Wednesday, April 23, 2008





巴示戈的官員估計,在這個人口有5萬人的小鎮,大約3000人曾賣掉一個腎臟。鎮長伊斯帕諾說︰“從1970年代起,這裡就有腎臟的買賣。” 負責這次調查的腎病學家帕迪拉說,一些賣腎者單個腎只得到低至2萬比索的賣腎錢、一些雜貨和藥物,而在手術後從未獲得醫療護理。許多賣腎者都患高血壓或僅存的腎髒出現功能障礙。

今天3月,菲律賓衛生部長費朗西斯科‧杜克簽署了一項政令,以監督腎捐獻和移植活動,禁止以得到金錢報酬為前提的腎交易,並確保捐獻者能得到適當保護,同時使腎移植過程更透明、道德。 之前,不少菲律賓媒體報道,非法腎交易在菲律 賓十分猖獗。不少窮人、囚犯急於脫貧,不惜將腎臟賣給從事非法腎交易的公司,為等待腎移植的外國客戶提供器官。



Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pope offers prayer at Ground Zero

Pope Benedict XVI has visited Ground Zero in New York, the scene of the 11 September 2001 attacks on Twin Towers, at the end of a six-day tour of the US.

He greeted survivors, fire and police workers, and relatives of some of the 2,749 people who died there.

The Pope prayed for the rescuers and victims, as well as "those whose hearts and minds are consumed with hatred".

He later celebrated Mass at New York's Yankee stadium, concluding what analysts describe as a successful trip. His visit has dominated the American media, and demand for the 55,000 tickets for Sunday's Mass far outstripped supply, reported the BBC's David Willey in New York.

Donald Trump was “impressed”

MANHATTAN real estate mogul, entrepreneur and TV celebrity Donald Trump was “impressed” by The Pearl-Qatar during his unofficial visit to the island last week. United Development Company, which develops and promotes The Pearl-Qatar said: “The New York-based famous property developer was impressed by both Qatar’s booming economy and its exciting investment opportunities.”

The QR55bn Pearl-Qatar is the largest real estate development in Qatar and one of the most lavishly designed in the world. Trump, president of the celebrated Trump Organisation, a massive US-based real estate empire which includes scores of New York City skyscrapers, as well as resort hotels in Miami and casinos in Atlantic City and Las Vegas, made an unofficial visit to the island, accompanied by his daughter and two sons.

Trump who wrote the best selling book The Art of the Deal and called ‘The Donald’ by the American media was warmly welcomed by UDC executives. Trump was all praise for the developers of The Pearl-Qatar for what he called “an absolutely spectacular project.” He sought details of the impressive project from UDC executives during an hour-long boat tour around the island.

Trump, who was voted by the editors of Business Week magazine as one of the top 10 most competitive businesspeople on the entire planet, has expressed keen interest in exploring opportunities still available on the island. Describing the quay walls along the shores of the island, Trump said: “They really did a good job here. It is a fantastic job.”

During his tour around The Oyster, the marketing centre for The Pearl-Qatar, Trump received an extensive presentation, which covered all aspects of the prestigious development, which will soon be home to over some 41,000 local and international residents.

Besides the residential facilities there will be three marinas, with over a 1,000 berths for private yachts, three five-star hotels, plus a host of international brand name retail outlets. “The island has increasingly been attracting investment interest from around the world.

This visit by Donald Trump is yet another example of the growing reputation worldwide of UDC and its flagship project, The Pearl-Qatar,” said general manager (sales) Salim Abdul-Rahim.

Amid strong farm economy, some dire signs

"I would think there would be a lot of cautiousness among farmers because most of the people can remember the '80s," says retired Iowa farmer Harlan Meier. He lived through the last two major farm economy downturns — the Depression in the 1930s and the 1980s farm crisis.

DES MOINES, Iowa - At a time of record agricultural profits, concerns are mounting that American farmers could be edging toward a financial crisis not seen since the 1980s farm-economy collapse.

Soaring land values, increasing debt and a reliance on government subsidies for ethanol production have prompted economists to warn that what some describe as a golden age of agriculture could come to a sudden end. At risk are the livelihoods of thousands of farmers, the health of hundreds of banks and the vitality of an agricultural industry that has been one of the nation's few economic bright spots in recent months.

"We're in a very risky time, and yet we don't seem concerned about that risk nearly as much as we should be," said Barry L. Flinchbaugh, an agricultural economist at Kansas State University.

The potential problem, economists said, is that strong demand for corn and other grains has caused prices to reach historic highs. That has led to record farmland values and steadily increasing debt as farmers borrow money to buy more land, finance the higher costs of fertilizer and seed and upgrade their equipment.

As long as the demand remains, good times for farmers should continue. But if demand falls, they could find themselves in a situation reminiscent of the early 1980s when the farm economy largely crumbled.

Among factors that could affect demand would be a change in the federal government's policy on ethanol subsidies, now estimated at about $6 billion a year, revisions in the farm bill that would lower support payments or an increase in the dollar's value, which would hurt exports.

Farm economists question whether the federal backing for ethanol will continue in the face of complaints that soaring corn prices are increasing food costs. Corn is used in most animal feed and is a key ingredient in myriad other products.

"U.S. energy policy has been friendly to ethanol in the last couple of decades. The question is, will it continue to be. It's running up food prices and that's causing pressure on Congress to limit mandates for ethanol usage," said Neil Harl, an emeritus professor of economics at Iowa State University.

The farm bill appears mired in Congress as lawmakers bicker with the Bush administration, which has threatened a veto if any increases in spending are not offset by reductions elsewhere. Congress on Thursday passed a short-term extension to the 2002 farm bill that keeps programs funded through April 25.

Flinchbaugh and others said the agricultural economy bears a striking resemblance to that seen in the mid-1970s, when a seemingly insatiable demand for U.S. crops drove up land values and farmers took advantage of their soaring equity to increase debt. When federal policy changed and demand suddenly dropped, land values and farm income plunged, forcing thousands of farmers to sell out and leading to the failure of nearly 300 agricultural banks.

Grain farmer Harlan Meier, 76, of Davenport, lived through the last two major farm economy downturns — the Depression in the 1930s and the 1980s farm crisis.

Even at a time of such strong prices, Meier noted that farmers are paying much higher prices for seed and nitrogen fertilizer, a product needed in abundance for fields repeatedly planted in corn. The increased costs and memories of the 1980s have made him hesitant to take on debt.

"I guess you could say there's an awful lot of concern in the rural communities and with some of the city people," Meier said. "I would think there would be a lot of cautiousness among farmers because most of the people can remember the '80s and I would think there's probably a lot of cautious people now on spending a lot of money."

Economists worry that farmers could be tempted to add debt due to the belief that high commodity prices would continue.

Those prices have been driven up by a strong demand for corn and soybeans from countries such as China and India, coupled with the needs of more than 50 corn-reliant ethanol plants built in the last few years.

The cash price for corn on the Chicago Board of Trade has soared from $1.86 a bushel in the 2004-2005 marketing year to the current price of about $6 per bushel. Soybeans were at $5.88 a bushel in 2004-2005 and now are at around $13.50.

As prices have climbed, so have farmland values. In Iowa, the nation's biggest corn producer, the average price per acre of farmland has increased 67 percent in the past five years.

"Land prices are increasing dramatically, and prices of grains are high just like the '70s," said Danny Klinefelter, an extension economist at Texas A&M. "It concerns me. It concerns me a lot."

Harl, who has written extensively on the 1980s farm crisis, said the key is how much debt farmers take on, and it appears that amount is increasing significantly.

"The longer these higher commodity prices go, the more it will draw people in to borrow heavily to buy the land and that's when things get dicey," Harl said.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, farm business debt is expected to reach $228 billion by the end of this year, an $8 billion increase from last year and a new record for the fourth consecutive year.

The government said much of the debt is driven by the need for new machinery, equipment and grain storage, as farmers strive to keep up with the increasing demand for grain.

Debt for land is expected to rise to nearly $121 billion this year, a 2.8 percent increase.








Mogadishu battles leave 81 dead

(CNN) -- Two days of fighting between government and Ethiopian troops and Islamic militants in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, left 81 civilians dead and more than 100 wounded, a local human rights group reported Sunday

Sudan Ali Ahmed, the head of the Mogadishu-based Elman Human Rights Group, accused the rebels of using civilians has human shields, while the transitional government's Ethiopian allies shelled residential neighborhoods with tanks and artillery.

"We are condemning the warring sides in the strongest terms for violating human rights and committing war crimes against civilians," Ahmed said.

Large numbers of civilians have been fleeing two neighborhoods in the northeastern part of the capital where the fighting has been taking place, witnesses reported, joining a population of displaced Somalis that aid groups estimate already tops 1 million.

A witness told CNN that Ethiopian troops seized a mosque in one of the neighborhoods where the worst fighting was taking place. The Ethiopians left the bodies of six elderly men outside the mosque around noon Sunday and were separating men and boys from the neighborhoods and arresting them, the witness said

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$117 per barrel

Crude hits record $117 per barrel

  • Story Highlights
  • Nigerian militant group says it sabotaged a major oil pipeline, vows more attacks
  • Group's attacks have cut nearly a fourth of Nigerian's normal petroleum output
  • Crude prices have risen as much as 4 percent this week

Malaysian in a coma in Shenzhen; two others said to have died

KUALA LUMPUR: A 66-year-old Malaysian, Tang Gon Seang, is among more than a dozen people who are in a coma after eating star fruits in Shenzhen province in China.

Two patients have died at the Shenzhen General Hospital after eating the fruit.

Tang, a retired assistant headmaster of SRJK (C) Kwang Hwa in Butterworth and his wife Teoh Hui Fong, 58, had gone to visit their engineer son in Shenzhen on Feb 18.

On March 29, he passed out and was rushed to the Shenzhen hospital, where has been in a coma since.

Tang’s brother-in-law Teoh Thian Lye, 55, said that at first doctors at the intensive care unit were baffled by his condition.

Then, a specialist at the hospital asked Hui Fong whether her husband had eaten star fruits and she replied he had eaten some which he bought from a wet market there.

“The specialist then told her there were more than 10 people in the hospital, who also fell into a coma after eating the star fruits bought in Shenzhen. Two had even died,” said Thian Lye at MCA Public Complaints and Services Department head Datuk Michael Chong’s office yesterday.

The family is seeking Chong’s help as they could not afford the huge hospital bill and want to bring Tang back to Malaysia.

The hospital bill is RM1,000 a day after being reduced from RM5,000 a day. To bring home Tang, they also require a medical report on his condition and the cause of illness to ascertain whether he could be flown back.

However, the Shenzhen General Hospital has refused to give the report and only provided a note in Mandarin which stated that Tang had suffered food poisoning after eating star fruits.

The note added that Tang suffered renal failure, high blood pressure, lung problems and breathing difficulties.

“The family is in a fix. They hope the hospital can reduce the fees,” said Chong.

He said they also wanted to warn other Malaysians in Shenzhen not to eat star fruits while there. Chong said notices had been put up at the Shenzhen General Hospital warning people about eating the fruit.

What is going on with these China guys? Why would they want to recycle the fruits ?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sensitive and stolen U.S. military items are being sold


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sensitive and stolen U.S. military items are being sold on eBay and Craigslist, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office. Government investigators posing as buyers were able to purchase a dozen prohibited military items on the popular online selling sites.

The report notes that the items purchased could easily have been shipped overseas and "used directly against our troops and allies."

The items include:
• Two F-14 fighter jet components. The United States has retired its fleet of F-14s. Only Iran is currently using them.
• Night vision goggles specially made to military specifications that allow the user to identify U.S. troops at night.
• Army combat uniforms. The military has prohibited the sale of uniforms to non-military personnel since January 2007, when Iraqi Insurgents used U.S. military uniforms to sneak into a base in Karbala and kill five U.S. service members.
• Special "enhanced" body armor vests used by U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and not available to the general public.

EBay says that it has more than 113 million items listed for sale at any given time and that military goods account for well under one-tenth of 1 percent of those. A quick search of eBay revealed several Army combat uniforms for sale, despite the sale ban. "With 7 million listings being added every day, we do the best we can, but things slip through from time to time," said Kim Rubey, senior public relations manager for eBay.

Testifying before the House National Security and Foreign Affairs subcommittee Thursday, eBay Vice President Tod Cohen said the company vigorously works to keep prohibited items off the site. "We created prohibited and restricted items policies and built tools using state-of-the-art technology to enforce those policies" he said.

Who get the pay, who must pay !

Hillary to Bill: Knock it off on Bosnia


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Clinton wants her husband to quit talking about her trip to Bosnia in 1996, the former president said Friday. "Hillary called me and said, "I misstated it, you said I misstated it, but you got to let me handle it because you don't remember it, either.' ... I said, 'Yes, ma'am,' " Bill Clinton said in Terre Haute, Indiana.

The comments follow those he made in Boonville, Indiana, on Thursday, when he strongly defended his wife over the recent coverage surrounding her 1996 Bosnia trip claims, saying the media acted as if she'd "robbed a bank."

"I got tickled the other day, a lot of the way this whole campaign has been covered has amused me, but there was a lot of fulminating because Hillary, one time late at night when she was exhausted, misstated and immediately apologized for it, what happened to her in Bosnia in 1995. Did y'all see all that? Oh, they blew it up," the former president said at a campaign event.

"You would have thought, you know, that she'd robbed a bank the way they carried on about this," he added. "And some of them, when they're 60, they'll forget something when they're tired at 11 at night, too."

On March 26, Hillary Clinton said she "misspoke" during a foreign policy address March 17 when she gave a dramatic description of her arrival in Bosnia 12 years ago, recounting a landing under sniper fire. She said that when she arrived in Bosnia on March 25, 1996, "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

Friday, April 11, 2008

More than 100 migrant workers from Myanmar were inside truck freezer

BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) -- The rising temperature first signaled trouble to Muang Win as he stood crammed into a truck container with 120 other Burmese migrants, rumbling toward the dream of a better life.

He called the driver on his mobile phone, he told CNN, but the driver didn't answer. People around him collapsed as it got hotter and hotter. Win and others banged on the walls.

"It took such a long while 'till he stopped the truck," he said. "When the driver pulled over the truck and came down to open the container, I almost fainted out."

Police say 54 people, including an 8-year-old girl, died Wednesday evening after they were stuffed into that sweltering container -- a deadly reminder of the perils facing people who pay human smugglers and often endure hardship in hopes of economic opportunity.

It happened in Ranong Province, in southern Thailand.

Each of the 121 people in the truck container had paid about $160 for a driver to take them into Thailand, which has long depended on cheap labor from neighboring countries, such as Burma, Cambodia and Laos.

The Thai government lets in only a small number of immigrants from those countries, and that has led to a rise in smuggling cases. Up to 2 million immigrants from Myanmar have fled to Thailand to escape chronic poverty and political conflict at home. Many smuggled migrants who do make it to Thailand wind up being abused by their employers.

None of the 121 migrants had identity documents, police said, so authorities tried to identify them by relying on the word of survivors. Seventeen bodies had not yet been identified by Friday, when accounts from survivors like Win began to surface.

Win spoke from a cell from a police station in Suksumran, where about 65 other survivors have been taken. The police chief there said he expects to see more would-be migrants.

"We still need more labor here," he said. "There are many construction projects going on."

Thursday, April 10, 2008

PM: Tell your family before you convert

PUTRAJAYA: The Government will soon introduce a regulation requiring non-Muslims wishing to convert to Islam to inform their family before doing so.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said this would prevent problems of families disputing the conversion of their loved ones when they die. He suggested that non-Muslims who intend to convert have a form or letter declaring that their families had been told and had understood his or her decision.

Noting that there was no such regulation at present, Abdullah advised them to inform their families to “make things easier for everyone.”

“We will have a regulation. When a person wants to convert to Islam, we have to ask him whether his wife knows about it. If people want to convert, there is nothing wrong, why must they hide? Tell them (the family).

“We don’t want problems later when the man converts and converts the children also, when the wife has rights too,” he told reporters after chairing a meeting of the National Council on Islamic Religious Affairs here yesterday.

Abdullah pointed out that withholding such information from the family would pose a problem to religious authorities performing their duties. He said he told those at the meeting that religious issues were “very sensitive” and should be tackled wisely to avoid racial tension.

This included the demolition of places of worship and funeral disputes, he said.

Abdullah also said that it was agreed that the halal certificate would now be issued by the Halal Industry Development Corporation (HIDC) but would still bear the logo of the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim). He said the meeting also discussed the assimilation of Jakim’s research officers into the HIDC.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Reciting EQUATIONS to her clients as they have sex.

MATHS genius turned hooker Sufiah Yusof reveals how she drives men wild... by reciting EQUATIONS to her clients as they have sex. And the Asian beauty
defiantly claims that selling her body for up to £1,000 a time provides her with a far more glamorous life than she ever dreamt of when she went to Oxford University aged just 13.

"My clients love the fact that I can stimulate their minds AND their bodies," she boasts in a shockingly frank interview with the News of the World. "And I don't believe my education has been wasted—in fact I usually take problem sheets with me to solve before appointments."

Sufiah decided to CONFESS ALL after we revealed how the former child prodigy was working as a £130-an-hour prostitute while studying for a masters in economics. It is the latest heartbreaking twist to a life that seemed so full of promise—but went tragically wrong when she cracked under the pressure of her bullying father's cruel academic regime and fled university at 15.

Eight years on, he is now in jail for sexually assaulting two girl pupils and Sufiah has somehow convinced herself that her seedy new career is the answer to all her problems.
"People think escorting is sleazy and terrible but I don't see it like that," she says.

"I've always had a high sex drive—and now I'm getting all the sex I want—and guys are much better in bed with an escort than a girlfriend.
"I have men who are thrilled about my passion for mathematics.

In fact one made me recite equations while he pleasured me, then I gave him oral sex while he chatted about algebra. It drove him wild."

And brainbox Sufiah has worked out that subtracting your respectability to become a prostitute can equal big money.
Peeling "I have a nice life and I am in control," she says. "I hate this stereotype society has of escorts being exploited. It is so far from the truth. "My clients treat me like a princess. One guy I see in London took me shopping on Bond Street. He bought me a beautiful black Gucci dress for £700 and then took me to Selfridges and told me to pick any handbag I liked." She chose a £600 Gucci clutch.

"I'm a Primark and Topshop girl normally! I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.
"Later that night we went for dinner. I wore my Gucci dress and sexy lingerie and took great pleasure in peeling it off for him later on back at his hotel." Sufiah was working as an administrative assistant earning £ 16,000 a year in Manchester when an escort agency boss approached her in a bar four months ago.

She'd run up debts of £3,500 in rent arrears and credit cards.
And she was still haunted by her hellish childhood—subjected to her father Farooq's Accelerated Learning Technique where she studied maths day in day out in rooms kept freezing cold to improve her concentration.

So the big rewards the agency boss promised seemed more than tempting. "I have studied so intensely for so many years I wanted to have fun," she says.
She can't see the sordid side of prostitution—and instead likens herself to Belle De Jour—the saucy hooker played by Billie Piper in the TV drama.

"I'd read Belle De Jour's Diary of a London Call Girl and was fascinated," she said. "When this immaculate lady in a designer suit asked if I had ever considered escorting, I found it appealing.
"I went home, researched agencies on the internet and found one I thought looked professional. I sent them photographs and they put me on their site." A couple of days later Sufiah was offered her first client. She recalls: "I felt quite nervous but excited too.

I slipped on some black lace underwear and stockings and suspenders and a dress, and just though, ‘Wow, this is thrilling.'
"He was waiting for me at the bar of the Hilton. I expected him to be older but when I saw him he was lovely. "He was only in his late 20s, tall and handsome. I thought, ‘I can't believe I'm getting paid to have sex with this man.' "I'd have been thrilled if he chatted me up in a bar. We had a drink then went upstairs to his room and had fantastic sex.

I left that night feeling totally elated having had an amazing time with £250 in my purse." Since then, she has built up a base of regular rich clients and sees between five and ten men each week. Her sugar daddies have treated her to fabulous clothes, designer bags, trips on yachts and even helicopter rides.
Sufiah, whose interview can be seen on video at, brags that she can earn more than £1,000 in a night by having diner with a client and staying over.

"It's like they want to rescue me. One man asked me how much I earned a year. I said £60,000. He told me, ‘I'll pay that amount straight into your bank and buy you a flat and you can be my mistress.'
"But I don't want that because I'm happy doing what I do. Now I wonder if I could go back to a normal relationship, where you watch EastEnders and have boring sex. I've got used to being treated like a princess." It is as if she has run away from reality—just as she ran away from university and her father's dominance at 15.

Sufiah becomes solemn and subdued when she talks of her upbringing. "As I grew older I began to clash with my father," she says. "He was violent on occasions. Because he pushed me so far academically, I became more confident for a girl of my age. I grew up too quickly.
"From 11, I was studying maths all the time. I didn't have any friends. I wasn't in the Brownies.

My father said they didn't teach Muslim values. I hardly ever played with other children."
She passed her maths A level aged 12 and started at St Hilda's College, Oxford. "It was an amazing place but I was too young. By the time I was 15 I wanted to be in control of my life. I fought back." Sufiah sparked a two week nationwide police hunt when she ran away instead of going home at the end of term, saying she'd "had enough of 15 years of physical and emotional abuse".

Her father claimed she had been kidnapped and brainwashed by members of a socialist organisation.
But now, speaking about it for the first time, Sufiah says: "I couldn't bear the thought of going home so I ran away. I'd saved up £200 and found a hostel in London for £14 per night. After a week I moved to a hostel in Bournemouth. I knew I could survive on my own." When she was found in an internet cafe, Sufiah refused to go home and was placed in foster care by Bournemouth social services.

She says: "I stayed with two families who were very good to me. My mum and dad would call me and ask me to go home—but I didn't want to."
Rich Her 50-year-old father is now in jail for 18 months after being convicted of sexually assaulting two 15-year-old girls he taught at his home in Coventry. When Sufiah reached 18 she returned to Oxford to continue her studies—and fell in love with fellow student Jonathan Marshall. They married a year later but it barely lasted a year. "At the time I thought we would be together forever, but we married too young and grew apart," she says.

After the split she moved back to London where she taught maths in the evenings to make ends meet. Then six months ago she moved to Manchester—and stumbled across her new career. "I'm still only young and I can't decide what I want to do," she says. "My escort work provides me with a fabulous life.
"I still enjoy learning and I find it puts me in the right frame of mind for an intelligent conversation with my clients."

But she admits not all her sexual encounters work out. "At the end of the day you don't have to sleep with a client if you don't want to. I've done that twice now. Both men were young and very nervous. I just left.
"The dullest client I've ever had was a rich man who talked about cars all night. It was really, really boring." Sufiah is well aware she could easily find a job in the City where she could match her £60,000 a year sex earnings. But she said: "I don't want to take anything away from people who do jobs like that but it's not for me.

I have a nice life. I don't want for anything."
Her mother Halimahton is now divorcing jailed Farooq and is desperate for her daughter to get in touch with her. "I was shaking when I found out what had become of her," she says. But talking about her bitter split with her parents, Sufiah says: "I would describe our relationship as estranged. "I have contact with them occasionally but I couldn't speculate on what they will make of my new life.

"I don't have any regrets. I've never felt more confident about my body and I've had some of the best sex of my life."

Texas takes legal custody of 401 sect children

(CNN) -- Authorities said Monday they have taken legal custody of 401 children who lived on an isolated West Texas polygamist retreat built by imprisoned "prophet" Warren Jeffs.

The children are being kept at a temporary shelter at historic Fort Concho in nearby San Angelo while authorities investigate whether a child bride gave birth on the ranch at age 15.

The children in state custody are joined at the shelter by 133 women, most of them mothers, who were taken during the past few days from the sprawling Yearning for Zion ranch, said Marleigh Meisner, a spokeswoman for the state's Child Protective Services agency.

The women are free to return to the 1,900-acre compound, officials said, but many have chosen to remain. At this point, officials said, the children's fathers are not permitted to see them.

Al-Zawahri: Innocents die by error, necessity

Al-Qaida No. 2, answering questions, says enemies use Muslims as shields

Al-Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri, rejecting criticism of attacks by the terror network's followers that have killed thousands, maintained Wednesday that it does not target innocent people.

His comments came during a 90-minute audio response that was billed as the first installment of answers to the more than 900 questions submitted on extremist Internet sites by al-Qaida supporters, critics and journalists in December.

"We haven't killed the innocents, not in Baghdad, nor in Morocco, nor in Algeria, nor anywhere else," al-Zawahri said, according to a 46-page English transcript that accompanied the audio message posted on Web sites linked to al-Qaida.

Olympic relay tripped up

Security men tackle Green Party activist Sylvain Garel, third left at rear, as he tries to approach Stephane Diagana, right, the 400-meter world champion in 1997, as he carries the Olympic torch Monday in Paris.

PARIS - Paris’ Olympic torch relay descended into chaos Monday, with protesters scaling the Eiffel Tower, grabbing for the flame and forcing security officials to repeatedly snuff out the torch and transport it by bus past demonstrators yelling “Free Tibet!”

The relentless anti-Chinese demonstrations ignited across the capital with unexpected power and ingenuity, foiling 3,000 police officers deployed on motorcycles, in jogging gear and even inline skates.

Chinese organizers finally gave up on the relay, canceling the last third of what China had hoped would be a joyous jog by torch-bearing VIPs past some of Paris’ most famous landmarks.

Thousands of protesters slowed the relay to a stop-start crawl, with impassioned displays of anger over China’s human rights record, its grip on Tibet and support for Sudan despite years of bloodshed in Darfur.

Five times, the Chinese officials in dark glasses and tracksuits who guard the torch extinguished it and retreated to the safety of a bus — the last time emerging only after the vehicle drove within 15 feet of the final stop, a track and field stadium. A torchbearer then ran the final steps inside.

Outside, a few French activists supporting Tibet had a fist-fight with pro-Chinese demonstrators. The French activists spat on them and shouted, “Fascists!”

In San Francisco, where the torch is due to arrive Wednesday, three protesters wearing harnesses and helmets climbed up the Golden Gate Bridge and tied the Tibetan flag and two banners to its cables. The banners read “One World One Dream. Free Tibet” and “Free Tibet.”

On Tuesday, China condemned protests as “despicable,” blaming them on groups seeking to split Tibet from the country.

The 17.4-mile route in Paris started at the Eiffel Tower, headed down the Champs-Elysées toward City Hall, then crossed the Seine before ending at the Charlety track and field stadium.

Throughout the day, protesters booed trucks emblazoned with the names of Olympic corporate sponsors, chained themselves to railings and hurled water at the flame. Some unfurled banners depicting the Olympic rings as handcuffs from the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame cathedral. Others waved signs reading “the flame of shame.”

The Interior Ministry said police made 18 arrests.

Officers sprayed tear gas to break up a sit-in by about 300 pro-Tibet demonstrators who blocked the route. Police tackled protesters who ran at the torch; at least two activists got within arm’s length before they were grabbed by police. Near the Louvre, police blocked a protester who approached the flame with a fire extinguisher.

One detained demonstrator, handcuffed in a police bus, wrote “liber” on her right palm and “te” on the other — spelling the French word for “freedom” — and held them up to the window.

With protesters slowing down the relay, a planned stop at Paris City Hall was canceled. Earlier, French officials hung a banner declaring support for human rights on the building’s facade.

A spokesman for the French Olympic Committee, Denis Masseglia, estimated that a third of the 80 athletes and other VIPs who had been slated to carry the torch did not get to do so.

On a bus carrying French athletes, one man in a track suit shed a tear as protesters pelted the vehicle with eggs, bottles and soda cans.

The chaos started at the Eiffel Tower moments after the relay began. Green Party activist Sylvain Garel lunged for the first torchbearer, former hurdler Stephane Diagana, shouting “Freedom for the Chinese,” before security officials pulled him back.

“It is inadmissible that the games are taking place in the world’s biggest prison,” Garel said later.

Outside parliament, as the torch passed, 35 lawmakers protested, shouting “Freedom for Tibet.”

“The flame shouldn’t have come to Paris,” said Carmen de Santiago, who had “free” painted on one cheek and “Tibet” on the other.

Pro-Chinese activists carrying national flags held counter-demonstrations.

“The Olympic Games are about sports. It’s not fair to turn them into politics,” said Gao Yi, a Chinese doctoral student in computer science.

France’s former sports minister, Jean-Francois Lamour, stressed that though the torch was extinguished along the route, the Olympic flame itself still burned in a lantern where it is kept overnight and on airplane flights. A Chinese official said that flame was used to re-light the torch each time it was brought aboard the bus.

Pro-Tibet advocate Christophe Cunniet said he and other activists were detained after they waved Tibetan flags, threw flyers and tried to block the route. Cunniet said police kicked him, cutting his forehead. “I’m still dazed,” he said.

At least one athlete, former Olympic champion Marie-Jose Perec, was supportive of the demonstrators. “I think it is very, very good that people have mobilized like that,” she told French television.

But other athletes and sports officials were bitterly dismayed.

“A symbol like that, carried by young people who want to deliver a message of peace, should be allowed to pass,” said the head of the French Olympic Committee, Henri Serandour. “These games are a sounding board for all those who want to speak about China and Tibet. But at the same time, there are many wars on the planet that no one is talking about.”

International Olympic Committee spokeswoman Giselle Davies agreed. “We respect that right for people to demonstrate peacefully, but equally there is a right for the torch to pass peacefully and the runners to enjoy taking part in the relay,” she said.

China’s Foreign Ministry assailed the demonstrations. “We express our strong condemnation to the deliberate disruption of the Olympic torch relay by Tibetan separatist forces,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said in a Web statement. “Their despicable activities tarnish the lofty Olympic spirit and challenge all the people loving the Olympic Games around the world.”

Jiang also disputed reports that the torch had to be extinguished several times, calling them false. “To protect the security and dignity of the Olympic torch under the circumstances there, the modes of relay were temporarily changed,” she said. Jiang did not provide additional details.

Police had hoped to prevent the chaos that marred the relay in London a day earlier. There, police had repeatedly scuffled with activists and 37 people were arrested.

Beijing organizers criticized the London protests as a “disgusting” form of sabotage by Tibetan separatists.

“The act of defiance from this small group of people is not popular,” said Sun Weide, a spokesman for the Beijing Olympic organizing committee. “It will definitely be criticized by people who love peace and adore the Olympic spirit. Their attempt is doomed to failure.”

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has left open the possibility of boycotting the Olympic opening ceremony depending on how the situation evolves in Tibet. Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Monday that was still the case.

Activists have been protesting along the torch route since the flame embarked on its 85,000-mile journey from Ancient Olympia in Greece to the Aug. 8-24 Beijing Olympics.

The round-the-world trip is the longest in Olympic history, and is meant to highlight China’s rising economic and political power. Activists have seized on it as a platform for their causes.

The relay also is expected to face demonstrations in New Delhi and possibly elsewhere on its 21-stop, six-continent tour before arriving in mainland China May 4.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Regular or Super ?

















如果你有注意今天的星州日报,你可以看到大标题“经济油”。这个报道的问题是,非常的误导而且报道的不专业。接下来我还看到在星洲日报的网页里有馬來西亞汽車修理廠商公會總會長曹志成的发表。此人的发表令我更加生气,原因是因为身为馬來西亞汽車修理廠商公會總會長,他应该知道马来西亚是没有卖通流RON95无铅汽油,大部分都是以RON92(俗称regular) 及RON97 (俗称super). 单从这一点你们可以想看我们的修车业是很落后的。

话归原题。我可以看出来此次报道的原意是要人民明白RON92 及RON97 都是可以共用的。主要原因是因为,大部分人都是在添 RON 97 的汽油也是 目前正在销售RM1.92的那一个汽油。其实这是一种浪费但是政府没有去教育人民,而且这回的报道也是算失败的一个,因为报道者没有做好功课,没有真真的理解到RON真真的意义及寻找到专业人士来解说。 可能他们找到了馬來西亞汽車修理廠商公會總會長来解说,但是可惜也是误导的。

星洲日报的报道在此网页 你们可以自己去读,证实他们的误导。以下的就是我来解说RON的区别及为何马来西亚人都不用

1.Super 是新油, Regular 是久油, 所以新的肯定比旧的好。我每次到油站添油的时候,油站的工人会很奇怪的问我,你驾新车为什么打regular油?这样汽车是会坏的

2.还有很多人以为Regular是以前的有铅汽油, 所以他们不敢用


4. 越来越少油站提供Regular了

1. a)Super 或 Regular 都是新油, 两者都是无铅的。
b) 两者的区分是在他们的 RON (辛烷值)(全名Researched Octane Number),一個抵抗震爆(knocking)的指標。数值越高表明更容易在高压自燃


你的汽车越贵,越大cc,也不代表就是要用RON97的。很多欧美的汽车都是采用RON92的引擎设计的,这是鲜少为人知的东西。我有在油站注意到另一个有趣的画面,所有的摩多都是添RON92的。这个我很费解!正确使用您的车厂建议的汽油RON数值才是上策。因为如果你的汽车如是设计使用RON87/RON92,而你却进入RON97/RON100, 你没有帮你的汽车增加任何的马力,只有在增加自己的负担及国家的负担。因为为了生产RON97国家必须津贴多过RON92的用户。




你看看巴,该不该让更多的人去明白区别及开始使用RON92 Regular?


Wednesday, April 02, 2008


KUALA LUMPUR: Two policemen have been arrested after a foreigner lodged a report alleging that they had raped her.

The 42-year-old woman claimed that the policemen, who were investigating a suicide case at the budget hotel where she stayed, took her in the police patrol car to a secluded spot in Jalan Pudu before allegedly raping her. The alleged incident took place between midnight on Monday and early morning yesterday.

City chief police officer Deputy Comm Datuk Muhamad Sabtu Osman, who confirmed the arrest of his two men, said the woman had been sent to the hospital for a medical examination.

“We are investigating the rape allegation. So far there is no evidence yet to suggest she was raped. However, we did recover several items which we believe belong to the alleged victim,” he said.

It is learnt that the woman, who entered the country several days ago with three of her friends, stayed at the budget hotel. The two policemen went to the hotel to investigate a suicide case when they spotted the alleged victim, who is said to have known the dead victim. The woman, with the help of a local, sought the help of Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai, who urged the police to conduct a thorough investigation

This is Malaysia, foreigner please do not come here for holiday 各位想要旅行马来西亚的人,请不要来