Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cinemas allowed ‘with conditions’

KOTA BARU: After the last cinema was closed down in 1995, the state government is now willing to consider allowing them or cineplexes.

However, only movies with strong moral values could be screened.

State Finance Planning Committee chairman Datuk Husam Musa told a press conference yesterday that the state government would welcome investors keen to set up cinemas or cineplexes.

Actress Maya Karin, during a visit to Kota Baru on Tuesday, supported the revival of the cinema or cineplex industry in the state, saying that it could boost the local film scene.

State Education Committee chairman Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah said that the state had not banned cinemas or cineplexes but that they died a “natural death” due to the advent of VCDs, DVDs and the Internet.

Husam said the approach to invite local celebrities such as Mawi and Maya Karin was to bring about a positive effect to an Islamic form of entertainment.

“We must bring stars such as Mawi or Maya as they can woo the public on advocating an Islamic form of entertainment which dwells more on strong morals, spiritual and human qualities rather than the current crop of commercialised movies which border on excessive sex and violence.”

Husam said he was delighted to see Maya donning a headscarf and was polite during her brief visit here.

At another function, Husam said he welcomed the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) to investigate corruption and abuse of power claims made against him.

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