Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sales of Spam rise as consumers trim spending
Sales of Spam — that much maligned meat — are rising as consumers are turning more to lunch meats and other lower-cost foods to extend their already stretched food budgets. What was once cheeky, silly and the subject of a Monty Python musical, Spam is now back on the table as people turn to the once-snubbed canned meat as costs rise, analysts say.
U.S. food prices rose 4 percent last year, the fastest pace in nearly two decades, according to the Agriculture Department. Many staples are rising even faster, with white bread up 13 percent last year, bacon up 7 percent and peanut butter up 9 percent. There's no sign of a slowdown. Food inflation is running at an annualized rate of 6.1 percent as of April, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The price of Spam is up too, with the average 12-ounce can costing about $2.62. That's an increase of 17 cents, or nearly 7 percent, from the same time last year. But it's not stopping sales, as the pork meat in a can seems like a good alternative to consumers. Kimberly Quan, a stay-at-home mom of three who lives just outside San Francisco, has been feeding her family more Spam in the last six months as she tries to make her food budget go further.
She cooks meals like Spam fried rice and Spam sandwiches two or three times a month, up from once a month previously. Pulling Spam from the shelf prevents last-minute grocery store trips and overspending, said Quan, 38, of Pleasanton, Calif.
"It's canned meat and it's in the cupboard and if everything else is gone from the fridge, it's there," she said.
Indonesia to withdraw from OPEC
Indonesia to withdraw from OPEC at end of the year, energy minister says
Purnomo Yusgiantoro says Indonesia more of an oil consumer than producer
Low production means Southeast Asia's only OPEC member is net oil importer
Grisly baby murder cases shock Germany
Many of the suspects have been struggling single women who hid their pregnancy from friends and family, gave birth alone and killed the newborn out of fear or desperation -- increasing calls for support programs for single mothers. In the latest case, police in the southwestern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg said Wednesday that a 20-year-old woman confessed to putting her newborn infant in the freezer about three or four weeks ago, thinking it was dead.
An autopsy has shown that the child was alive when put into the freezer and the woman, who was not identified, has been taken into custody.
Woman dies after life spent in iron lung
"I've had a very good life, filled with love and family and faith," she said in 1994. "You can make life good, or you can make it bad."
Odell, 61, died Wednesday when a power failure shut off electricity to the tube and stopped the pump drawing air into her lungs. Family members were unable to get an emergency generator working after a power failure knocked out electricity to the Odell family's residence near Jackson, about 80 miles northeast of Memphis, brother-in-law Will Beyer said.
"We did everything we could do, but we couldn't keep her breathing," Beyer said. "Dianne had gotten a lot weaker over the past several months, and she just didn't have the strength to keep going."
Odell, who contracted polio when she was 3 years old, lived with her parents, Freeman and Geneva Odell, and their house was equipped with an emergency generator designed to fire up immediately in a power failure.
"But for some reason, it didn't come on," Beyer said.
Family members even tried an emergency hand pump attached to the iron lung. "Everyone knew what we were supposed to be doing," Beyer said. "It just wasn't working." Capt. Jerry Elston of the Madison County Sheriff's Department said emergency crews could do little to help. The local power company reported spotty power outages in the area because of storms.
Odell was afflicted with "bulbo-spinal" polio three years before a polio vaccine was discovered and largely stopped the spread of the crippling childhood disease. Her care was provided by her parents, other family members and aides provided by a nonprofit foundation.
"Dianne was one of the kindest and most considerate people you could meet. She was always concerned about others and their well-being," said Frank McMeen, president of the West Tennessee Health Care Foundation, which helped raise money for equipment and nursing assistance for Odell.
Odell accepted her life with grace, McMeen said.
"Everyone she encountered came to her because they cared about her," he said, "so she grew up in her 61 years thinking every person is good."
Odell's iron lung, similar to those used during the U.S. polio epidemics that peaked in the 1950s, was a cylindrical chamber with a seal at the neck. She lay on her back with only her head exposed and made eye contact with visitors through an angled mirror. She operated a television set with a small blow tube and wrote on a voice-activated computer.
The positive and negative pressures produced by the machine forced air into her lungs and then expelled it. Iron lungs were largely replaced by positive-pressure airway ventilators in the late 1950s that give users much more freedom of movement. But a spinal deformity from the polio kept Odell from wearing a more modern portable breathing device.
Joan Headley of Post-Polio Health International in St. Louis said that about 30 people in the United States still rely on iron lungs but that few users are confined to them all the time. No one keeps records, she said, on the longest confinement.
Caregivers could slide Odell's bedding out of her iron lung for basic nursing care but only briefly, McMeen said. Though Odell could not leave the iron lung, she was able to be moved in the machine. For her 60th birthday, in February 2007, friends and family held a party for her, with about 200 guests, at a downtown hotel in Jackson, a town of about 50,000 residents.
"She had a 9-foot birthday cake, and she had letters ... from people all over the country," McMeen said.
May you rest in peace, and people should learn to appreciate and your determinaton.....
Weeks of rain bring disease to Colombia
Colombia flooding has left 14 dead, 100 injured and 100,000 homeless
Downpours caused Colombia's main waterway, Magdalena River, to overflow
Flood-related illnesses tied to lack of hygiene have begun to break out
Red Cross warehouses will run out of supplies within a week, officials say
Woman admits helping pass secrets to China
Monday, May 26, 2008
Mars lander sends photos from Red Planet's arctic
Story Highlights
NEW: Photos show lander touched down safely, offer new views of Mars
Mars Phoenix Lander began taking photos shortly after traveling 422 million miles
Phoenix mission is to analyze planet's soils to find signs of life
Experts weren't optimistic about a smooth landing
New London Mayor scraps Venezuela oil deal
Money saved on gas was put into a program providing half-rate bus fares for low-income Londoners. Livingstone said the anti-poverty initiative was the idea of Venezuela's left-wing leader, Hugo Chavez, whom Livingstone said he has long admired. Conservative critics said the deal allowed one of the world's richest cities to exploit a lesser developed country and handed a propaganda coup to a man they called "a third-rate South American dictator."
Johnson echoed those criticisms in a statement announcing he would not renew the agreement when it expires in August.
Crazy or Loving ?
Rafidah: Dr Mahathir is disloyal
Rafidah said that Umno’s position as the backbone of the Government also had to be taken into consideration. “What he did was to be disloyal but I think most members are still loyal and that everyone will remain calm,” she added.
Dr M Quit
His wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali has also quit, according to his website
Dr Mahathir also called on Umno members to join him in this radical move, which he likened to “removing gangrene” in order for the party to survive.
Except for two party veterans and one branch in the Merbok division, there were no other takers.
No takers ? hahahaa....
Monday, May 19, 2008
Crude, pump prices continue to rise
The world’s leading oil producer promised an additional 300,000 barrels of crude a day as President Bush wrapped up a trip to Saudi Arabia and talks with King Abdullah. That and a U.S. announcement that it would temporarily stop filling government stockpiles have done little to change overall sentiment in the market.
China firms suffer $9.5 billion in quake damage
男子強姦夜總會少女囚七年 (港聞)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Panel finds Lingam video clip authentic
KUALA LUMPUR: The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam video clip has found that it was former Chief Justice Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim who was talking to prominent lawyer Datuk V.K. Lingam on the telephone. Sources said the five-man panel also found that the video clip was authentic and that the conversation was true in substance.
They said the commission also found that it was lawyer Loh Mui Fah who Lingam was speaking to after his telephone conversation with Fairuz. Commission chairman Tan Sri Haidar Mohamed Noor presented a two-volume report on the findings to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin at the Istana Negara here yesterday.
The commission commenced its enquiry on Jan 14.
The sources said the commission also found that there was sufficient evidence of misbehaviour by certain persons mentioned or identified in the clip. They said the commission found sufficient reason for the relevant authorities to take appropriate action against those implicated for breaches of the Sedition Act, the Penal Code, the Official Secrets Act, the Legal Profession Act and other laws.
They added that the commission was recommending the Government set up a Judicial Appointments Commission and to undertake other necessary reforms. Sources also said the commission stated that its report was not meant as an indictment against all judges.
Former Chief Judge of Malaya Tan Sri Haidar Mohamed Noor, who chaired the commission, said yesterday that the King was happy that the enquiry had been completed. The other four members of the commission were former Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong, former Court of Appeal Judge and former Suhakam commissioner Datuk Mahadev Shankar, former Solicitor-General Puan Sri Zaitun Zawiyah Puteh and Professor Emeritus Datuk Dr Khoo Kay Kim.
The video clip showing the apparent brokering of judicial appointments and promotions first came to light on Sept 19 last year when PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim released it at a press conference. Anwar later released two more segments that showed Lingam telling Loh that he had been talking to Fairuz.
On Sept 25, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced that an independent inquiry committee would investigate the authenticity of the video clip purportedly made in 2001. The committee completed its report on Nov 6. It was studied by the Cabinet but never made public. Based on the recommendations of the committee, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced the setting up of the commission on Dec 12.
At the conclusion of the enquiry on Feb 15, the commission had heard testimony from 21 witnesses and received more than 100 exhibits and over 15 statutory declarations. Among the prominent witnesses were former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, tycoon Tan Sri Vincent Tan and retired chief justices Tun Mohamed Eusoff Chin and Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Abdullah.
The commission had first fixed March 11 to submit the report to the King but sought two one-month extensions later.
So....what next ? Can we see some decent finding ? or not ?
iPhone sold out online
The Cupertino-based company confirmed that the iPhone is out of stock online, but added that brick-and-mortar stores run by Apple and iPhone carriers including AT&T Inc. might still have units available.
Apple spokeswoman Natalie Kerris declined to comment on reasons for the shortage and on Apple's plans for an update to the device, which is widely expected to be unveiled in June at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.
The paucity of iPhones for sale in some markets comes as Apple is hustling to meet its goal of selling 10 million of the hybrid iPod-cell phone-Internet surfing gadgets by the end of 2008. So far, Apple has sold 5.4 million iPhones, according to the latest data as of the end of March.
Clashes continue in Lebanon for 5th day
Lebanese forces are stationed in the Tripoli area, but the government has not ordered them to intervene out of concern that they would appear to be taking sides.
At least 58 people have been killed and 189 have been wounded since the clashes broke out on Thursday, Lebanon's Internal Security Forces said Monday. The violence is the worst to hit Lebanon since the end of its civil war in 1991. It started in Beirut, but quickly spread to nearby mountain villages in the Mount Lebanon area and the northern city of Tripoli.
Hezbollah militias have pulled back from positions in western Beirut and government troops have taken over checkpoints there as peace returned to the Lebanese capital's tense neighborhoods Monday. The violence was triggered by the government's attempts to ban a telecommunications system used by Hezbollah.
The Shiite militant group said the system was instrumental in its resistance to Israel; Lebanon's government believed the system was being used to funnel information about anti-Syrian lawmakers to Damascus, a main backer of Hezbollah. Talal Erslan, a Hezbollah-allied politician who announced a cease-fire agreement Sunday, expressed frustration at a news conference on Monday.

繼一九七六年唐山大地震後,四川發生三十二年來中國傷亡最嚴重的地震。事發於昨午二時二十八分,震央位於四川省中部汶川縣地底二十多公里,距離省會成都約一百公里,強度為黎克特制七點八級,威力如二百五十六顆原子彈。由於地震強度大,重慶、寧夏、青海、甘肅、河南、山西、陜西、山東、雲南、湖南、湖北、北京、上 海、海南等省市均有震感,及受到不同程度傷亡及損毀。專家稱是次震央位於蜀西龍門山地區的斷裂帶,地殼移動活躍,屬於淺源地震,故其破壞力度較大,預計還有多次餘震。
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Texas sinkhole calm for the moment
聖 火 雄 心 燃 亮 珠 峰

珠穆朗瑪峰是喜馬拉雅山的主峰,藏語是「女神」的意思,位於中國和尼泊爾邊界,其南坡在尼泊爾境內,北坡在中國西藏境內,外界認為北京安排聖火登珠峰,有宣示主權的意味。為慎防境內外藏獨人士破壞,聖火登頂的保安格外緊張,大批武警早於一個月前進駐封山,尼泊爾政府亦重兵封鎖 通往珠峰的邊界。
Captive 1,00-pound manta ray returns to ocean

NASSAU, Bahamas - A 1,000-pound manta ray was returned to the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday after three years as a research subject and tourist attraction at a Bahamian resort.
The massive black ray, known as "Zeus," was lowered from a helicopter on a hydraulically welded frame to ensure its safe entry into the water. It spans nearly 13 feet in diameter — including a 3-foot-wide mouth.
Marine biologists had studied the creature and will now use a satellite tracking tag to monitor its movements in the open sea.
Olmert denies taking bribes

Ehud Olmert, Israel's prime minister, has admitted he accepted campaign donations from an American businessman, but denied that the contributions constituted bribes. In a televised statement on Thursday night from his residence in Jerusalem, Olmert said he would resign only if he were indicted by Israel's attorney general.
Olmert said he believed the crisis over a police investigation into allegations he accepted money from Morris Talansky, a US financier, would soon end. He said a lawyer handled his finances and that everything had been done legally.
He said: "I never took bribes, I never took a penny for myself. I was elected by you to be prime minister of Israel and I am not shying away from that responsibility."
Olmert confirmed he would not fight to stay in office if he is charged. "If I am indicted, I will resign my post," he said. Olmert's statement came after police lifted a media gag order that had prevented the Israeli media from reporting on the investigation, and announced details of the accusations.
The investigation has increased pressure on Olmert to quit, and doubt over his future is likely to disrupt faltering peace negotiations with the Palestinians.
Putin confirmed as Russian PM
In a speech at the Duma on Thursday, Putin said Russia should aim to be among the leading nations in the world in terms of living standards within 15 years.
He called for the "consolidation of political forces and solidarity of society" in Russia and said that "co-ordinated work by all branches of government" is imperative.
Will Putin be Medvedev's Russian doll?
Medvedev nominated Putin to be Russia's prime minister shortly after taking over as the country's president on Wednesday. Putin has said he will work closely with the new president. He will set up a new cabinet, which is expected to be broadly similar to one that was in place during his eight-year presidency.
Close partnership
Many Russians believe that Putin will still exercise formidable power despite no longer being the country's president. He selected Medvedev as United Russia's candidate for a presidential election in March, which Medvedev won by a wide margin.
Medvedev was hand-picked by Putin to become Russia's president 。Jonah Hull, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Moscow, said Putin would aim to boost the profile of the prime minister's office after its role was minimised during his presidential term.
"The potential is now there to create a system of two centres of power, with checks and balances between Putin and Medvedev - something that Russia, in its political system since the Soviet era, has not had," he said.
"[During his presidential term] Putin went out of his way to bolster his presidency and to create a top-down system of government in which the president was unchallenged and unchallengeable.
"There is going to be a certain amount of change in the power sharing arrangement - but there is not, if Putin is to be believed, going to be any change to the constitution."
Military show
Although Putin and Medvedev are political allies, some analysts have said that the partnership could be unstable. After he won the presidency in March, Medvedev said only the president would determine foreign policy, but Putin has called the prime minister's office the "highest executive power in the country".
In his inaugural speech on Wednesday, Medvedev promised to bring greater "civil and economic freedom" to Russia.
He also said he would strive to ensure that the rule of law is upheld.
Shortly after he took the presidential office, Medvedev was presented with a briefcase containing controls for Russia's nuclear arsenal. Both Medvedev and Putin will attend a military parade in Moscow's Red Square on Friday, where Russia's new Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missiles will be displayed. The Victory Day parade is the biggest display of Russia's military might since the end of the Soviet era in 1991.
Putin work cannot be denied ! He is the man of the year ! Again if so....
Berlusconi appointed prime minister
Berlusconi has warned Italy that it faces tough years ahead and that he will have to carry out unpopular reforms. However, speaking optimistically before his inauguration, he said "we're in a honeymoon period".
Berlusconi, who also served briefly as prime minister from 1994 to 1995, said he intended to pick up from where he left off in 2006, when he narrowly failed to be re-elected after a five-year term.
Rubbish crisis
Speaking to La Stampa, an Italian newspaper, Berlusconi said: "We have 100 days to avoid disappointing those who put their faith in us, and five years to change and modernise this country."
He has promised to fight crime, crack down on illegal immigration and clear the mounds of rubbish in Naples that have paralysed the southern city.
Berlusconi, 71, aims to hold his first full cabinet meeting in Naples, saying the rubbish crisis is a national problem because it has stained Italy's image abroad.
Another issue will be how to rescue Alitalia, the state-controlled airline, from possible bankruptcy by finding a buyer.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which sees the Italian economy growing at just 0.3 per cent this year, said Berlusconi's promised tax cuts should be aimed at stimulating demand and that he must ensure they are paid for by spending cuts.
Masood Ahmed, the IMF's external relations director, said: "Any tax cuts need to be at least fully [met] by expenditure reduction, given the pressing need for fiscal consolidation."
Maverick appointment
Berlusconi's cabinet, which he announced on Wednesday, is packed with his right-wing allies from the National Alliance and the strongly anti-immigrant Northern League.
The new government is expected to take a tough line on immigration and security issues.
Among the cabinet is Roberto Calderoli, a Northern League politician known for his anti-Islamic rhetoric, who was once blamed for provoking riots in Libya by wearing a T-shirt featuring a Danish cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad.
A charity in Libya chaired by leader Muammar Gaddafi's son warned of "catastrophic repercussions" if he had a cabinet post.
Commenting on Berlusconi's appointments, Massimo Franco, who writes a column for the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, said: "He has created a government in his own vision and likeness, and this is a huge opportunity and responsibility."
BRAVO! Congratulationss
Cyclone Nargis embodied the ‘perfect storm’
"When we saw the (storm) track, I said, 'Uh oh, this is not going to be good," said Mark Lander, a meteorology professor at the University of Guam. "It would create a big storm surge. It was like Katrina going into New Orleans."
Forecasters began tracking the cyclone April 28 as it first headed toward India. As projected, it took a sharp turn eastward, but didn't follow the typical cyclone track in that area leading to Bangladesh or Myanmar's mountainous northwest.
Instead, it swept into the low-lying Irrawaddy delta in central Myanmar. The result was the worst disaster ever in the impoverished country.
It was the first time such an intense storm hit the delta, said Jeff Masters, co-founder and director of meteorology at the San Francisco-based Weather Underground. He called it "one of those once-in-every-500-years kind of things."
"The easterly component of the path is unusual," Masters said. "It tracked right over the most vulnerable part of the country, where most of the people live."
When the storm made landfall early Saturday at the mouth of the Irrawaddy River, its battering winds pushed a wall of water as high as 12 feet some 25 miles inland, laying waste to villages and killing tens of thousands.
Victims lived in the low-lying delta
Most of the dead were in the delta, where farm families sleeping in flimsy shacks barely above sea level were swept to their deaths. Almost 95 percent of the houses and other buildings in seven townships were destroyed, Myanmar's government says. U.N. officials estimate 1.5 million people were left in severe straits.
"When you look at the satellite picture of before and after the storm the effects look eerily similar to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in how it inundated low-lying areas," said Ken Reeves, director of forecasting for
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The Irrawaddy delta "is huge and the interaction of water and land lying right at sea level allowed the tidal surge to deliver maximum penetration of sea water over land," Reeves said. "Storms like this do most of their killing through floods, with salt water being even more dangerous than fresh water."
The delta had lost most of its mangrove forests along the coast to shrimp farms and rice paddies over the past decade. That removed what scientists say is one of nature's best defenses against violent storms.
"If you look at the path of the (cyclone) that hit Myanmar, it hit exactly where it was going to do the most damage, and it's doing the most damage because much of the protective vegetation was cleared," said Jeff NcNeely, chief scientist for the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
"It's an expensive lesson, but it has been one taught repeatedly," he said. "You just wonder why governments don't get on this."
Is climate change to blame?
Some environmentalists suggested global warming may have played a role. Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that warming oceans could contribute to increasingly severe cyclones with stronger winds and heavier rains.
"While we can never pinpoint one disaster as the result of climate change, there is enough scientific evidence that climate change will lead to intensification of tropical cyclones," said Sunita Narain, director of the Indian environmental group Center for Science and Environment.
"Nargis is a sign of things to come," she said. "The victims of these cyclones are climate change victims, and their plight should remind the rich world that it is doing too little to contain its greenhouse gas emissions."
Weather experts, however, are divided over whether global warming is a factor in catastrophic storms. At a January conference of the American Meteorological Society, some postulated warmer ocean temperatures may actually reduce the strength of cyclones and hurricanes.
Masters, at Weather Underground, said Wednesday that in the case of Nargis, the meteorological data in the Indian Ocean region "is too short and too poor in quality to make judgments about whether tropical cyclones have been affected by global warming."
Not enough warning
Despite assertions by Myanmar's military government that it warned people about the storm, critics contend the junta didn't do enough to alert the delta and failed to organize any evacuations, saying that made the death toll worse.
"Villagers were totally unaware," said 38-year-old Khin Khin Myawe, interviewed in the hard-hit delta town of Labutta. "We knew the cyclone was coming but only because the wind was very strong. No local authorities ever came to us with information about how serious the storm was."
The India Meteorological Department, one of six regional warning centers set up by the World Meteorological Organization, began sending regular storm advisories April 27. The information appeared in Myanmar's state-run newspapers, radio and television 48 hours ahead of the storm.
But the international advisories said nothing about a storm surge. And Myanmar, unlike its neighbors Bangladesh and India, has no radar network to help predict the location and height of surges, the WMO said.
There also wasn't any coordinated effort on the part of the junta to move people out of low-lying areas, even though information was available about the expected time and location of landfall.
"How is it possible that there was such a great death toll in the 21st century when we have imagery from satellites in real time and there are specialized meteorology centers in all the regions?" said Olavo Rasquinho of the U.N. Typhoon Committee Secretariat.
Protection from cyclones
Bangladesh has a storm protection system that includes warning sirens, evacuation routes and sturdy towers to shelter people, measures that were credited with limiting the death toll from last year's Cyclone Sidr to 3,100.
Atiq A. Rahman, executive director of the Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies and a disaster specialist, said Myanmar's death toll would have been lower if it had such a system.
"Taking some action to move people from affected areas would have dramatically helped reduce the numbers of causalities. Absolutely," Rahman said.
But junta officials and some weather experts said evacuating a large area with millions of residents would have been nearly impossible, given the poor roads, the distance to some villages and the likely refusal of some families to leave.
"Even if they warned them, they can't go anywhere. Or they are afraid to go anywhere because they are afraid of losing their property," said Lander, the University of Guam professor. "It is debatable how much of a mass exodus you could have had."
Austrian father reveals his "addiction" to incest
n comments related by his lawyer to weekly magazine News, Fritzl, who locked up Elisabeth in 1984 when she was 18, said he started raping his daughter a year later.
"My drive to have sex with Elisabeth grew stronger and stronger," Fritzl was quoted as saying.
"I knew Elisabeth didn't want me to do what I did to her. I knew that I was hurting her. ... It was like an addiction ... In reality, I wanted children with her."
Elisabeth, 42, spent nearly a quarter of a century in a windowless cell in the basement of Fritzl's house, giving birth to seven of his children, now aged between 19 and 5 years.
Three of the children remained locked up with their mother in the basement and never saw sunlight until their fate was revealed nearly two weeks ago. Elisabeth has told police that Josef started sexually abusing her when she was 11.
Fritzl, who also has seven children with his wife Rosemarie, said he had locked up Elisabeth after she started to "break all the rules" following the onset of puberty.
She went to bars, drank alcohol and smoked, and ran away a couple of times, the 73-year-old said.
"I tried to get her out of that swamp, organised her an apprenticeship to become a waitress.
"I needed to take precautions, I needed to create a place in which I could at some point keep her away from the outside world, by force if necessary."
Fritzl said he found himself trapped in a inescapable cycle once he had locked up Elisabeth. He told his wife their daughter had joined a sect.
"I knew all the time, during the whole 24 years, that what I did was not right, that I must be crazy to do something like that," he said, referring to Elisabeth's underground world as his "empire".
"But nonetheless, it became a matter of course for me to lead a second life in the basement of my house."
Fritzl's lawyer, Rudolf Mayer, has said his client should have psychiatric tests to evaluate whether he is fit to stand trial. Mayer said he might ask for a second assessment should the official court opinion not reflect his client's personality.
Fritzl described himself as a man who valued decency and good manners, and said the emphasis on discipline in Nazi times, when he grew up, might have influenced him.
"Nonetheless, I am not the beast the media depicts me as.
"When I went into the bunker, I brought flowers for my daughter, and books and toys for the children, and I watched adventure videos with them while Elisabeth was cooking our favourite dish," he said.
"And then we all sat around the table and ate together."
Fritzl has been remanded in custody in the city of St Poelten. Mayer confirmed to Reuters that Fritzl's comments were authentic.
Copyright © 2008 Reuters
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Blogger Raja Petra taken to prison after declining bail on sedition charge
PETALING JAYA: The editor of news portal Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin, claimed trial in the Sessions Court here to publishing a seditious article in its website on April 25 while businessman Syed Akbar Ali claimed trial to posting a seditious comment.
Raja Petra, 58, became the first blogger to be charged under the Sedition Act, making it a test case. He is accused of publishing the article “Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell” in the website The article is alleged to have contained nine paragraphs of seditious words.
He is said to have committed the offence at his house in Jalan BRP 5/5 in Bukit Rahman Putra in Sungai Buloh that day.
When the interpreter read out to him the alleged seditious words, Judge Nurmala Salim interjected by asking her to pronounce the exact words as highlighted in the six pages of Appendix A. The interpreter took 11 minutes to read out the allegedly seditious words to him.
Upon hearing the details of his charge from the interpreter at noon, Raja Petra, who clasped his hands behind his back, claimed trial. Clad in a short-sleeved yellow shirt and blue jeans, Raja Petra was composed throughout the court proceedings.
If convicted, he can be fined a maximum of RM5,000 or jailed up to three years or both under Section 4(1)(c) of the Act.
At this juncture, lead counsel K. Balaguru raised a preliminary objection saying that the charge did not state the time of the alleged offence. He said the prosecution should have classified which category of the Act that his client had allegedly infringed.
At that point, the court was adjourned for 10 minutes after Balaguru informed the judge that veteran lawyer Karpal Singh would also appear for his client.
When the court resumed, Balaguru withdrew his preliminary objection. Queried on prosecution witnesses, Nordin said he would be calling 15 witnesses and would prefer a week for the trial. Nurmala set five days from Oct 6 for trial. Raja Petra declined to post bail and was taken to Sg Buloh prison later.
In Kuala Lumpur’s Jalan Duta Sessions Court, Syed Akbar Ali, 48, pleaded not guilty to posting the comment on Arabs and Islam with Raja Petra’s article titled “Malaysia’s organised crime syndicate: all roads lead to Putrajaya” on June 5 last year.
The former banker looked calm when the charge was read out to him. The offence was allegedly committed at 2.59pm at Zeenath Begum Jewellers Sdn Bhd in Jalan Masjid India.
Judge S.M. Komathy Suppiah granted bail at RM3,000 and fixed June 10 for submissions on the charge.
He posted bail.
Surprise fall in US jobless rate
The US has reported a surprise fall in its unemployment rate and in the number of jobs cut by employers, the labour department has said. National unemployment dipped slightly from 5.1 per cent in March to five per cent, while the number of jobs cut in April was 20,000, far fewer than the 80,000 that economists had feared.
George Bush, the US president, said on Friday that despite the figures being better than expected the economy was "not as robust as any of us would like it".
The figures came two days after the US central bank cut interest rates by a quarter-point from 2.25 per cent to two per cent, the lowest rate since December 2004.
On the same day, government figures showed that the US economy had grown by a modest 0.6 per cent in the first three months of 2008.
Turkey PM denies planning new party
A leading broadcaster and national newspaper had claimed that the Turkish prime minister would form a new party if the constitutional court shuts his existing one down.
The case could see 71 members of the AK party, including Erdogan, banned from politics for five years.
Kanal D, a Turkish broadcaster, reported on Monday that Erdogan also said that if he was personally banned, he would call elections and run as an independent candidate.
The broadcaster said he disclosed the information to a group of journalists at a dinner on Saturday evening.
False statements
The statement from Erdogan's office read: "The stories do not reflect the exact truth in terms of the contents of the conversation, the nature of the invitation and the list of invitees.
"In particular, some untrue statements attributed to our prime minister regarding an ongoing court case and its possible outcome are viewed as being far from well-intentioned."
The prime minister was quoted in Vatan newspaper as saying the Turkish economy could not cope with an extended court process, so the case would be completed in July.
It also quoted him as saying he did not expect the court to actually shut the party down and that he would not seek constitutional changes to avert the closure.
Last week, the AK party submitted its preliminary defence in the case.
Previous bans
The AK party, which won re-election last July, rejects charges that its members were engaged in anti-secular activities and says the case is politically motivated.
The Islamist-rooted government is at odds with the secular establishment, including the powerful military and judiciary, over Islam's role in secular but predominantly Muslim Turkey.
Within the indictment, the prosecutor points to the role of Erdogan and other leading AK party figures in previous parties closed for anti-secular activities.
Turkey has banned a number of political parties in the past for alleged Islamist or Kurdish separatist activities.
Many commentators expect the AK party to suffer the same fate
Mogadishu riots over food prices
More than 10,000 people gathered in the southern neighbourhood of Madina on Tuesday and marched towards the main Bakara trading district, where rally leaders addressed the crowd, an AFP correspondent said. No casualties were immediately reported, but on Monday two people were killed in protests, witnesses said. The crowd briefly dispersed after the firing.
"This is the worst problem facing the planet. Nobody cares about civilians and traders are harming us even more than Somalia's armed enemies now," Sheikh Mohamoud Abdulle, a Muslim leader, told the crowd. "We can no longer ignore what is happening and we must respond to the best of our ability."
Green spin leaves shoppers baffled
A survey of 185 non-food items, from detergents to tissues, found that only three of the 630 environmental claims made on packaging could be substantiated. Myriad logos, many featuring leaf and tree designs and one showing hands cradling the Earth, appeared to be nothing more than inventions of manufacturers' marketing departments, Choice's chief executive, Peter Kell, said yesterday. Some claims were blatant lies.
"Greenwash is out of control on supermarket shelves," he said.
"Our concern is that the proliferation of irrelevant, vague and unhelpful environmental claims is actually punishing companies wanting to do the right thing … and supermarkets with their own brands are some of the worst offenders."
Among the offending products is Ambi Pur plug-in air freshener, which boasts that it is biodegradable. The fine print reveals the box the device comes in, not the product itself, is biodegradable. And a box of Kleenex tissues marked "100 per cent recycled board" refers to the box and not the contents.
Among claims described as vague, Glad brand council bin liners are said to contain "up to" 40 per cent recyclable plastic. Sorbent's "gold opulence" toilet paper displays five environmental logos on the wrapping, only one of which is a genuine accreditation for recycling, says Choice. Woolworths Select brand toilet paper and tissues, which were the subject of a partial voluntary recall following allegations of misleading labelling last September, were still bearing forest sustainability verification symbols in January, when the products were bought by Choice.
The products are supplied by the Indonesian company Asia Pulp and Paper, which is accused by environmental groups and unions of illegally clearing rainforests in Sumatra and China. Choice said supermarkets needed to get their houses in order and ensure all green claims on "own-brand" products complied with Australian Standards.
However, the Australian Standard for Environmental Labelling was voluntary and largely ignored, Mr Kell said, particularly in relation to words such as "sustainable", "natural", "recycled" and "biodegradable".
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission needed to target misleading claims more aggressively under the Trade Practices Act, he said. The commission recently released a guide warning manufacturers and retailers about claims that overstep the mark. The commission's chairman, Graeme Samuel, said it was already targeting deceptive conduct. He pointed to action it had taken against electricity companies and Saab over misleading environmental claims.
"I don't think we need to be exhorted any further to be taking action because we are of course dealing with these issues," Mr Samuel said, dismissing suggestions that marketing departments appeared to be one step ahead of the regulators.
"We've got a fundamental law under section 52 of the Trade Practices Act which says you should not engage in any misleading or deceptive conduct. Overstep the mark and you will be brought to heel."
得一千三百三十七億元,佔總稅收近七成。 各類稅收中,利得稅收最豐厚,高逾九百一十四億元,較前一年度激增兩成七;當中以地產業及保險業盈利最大,在利得稅中佔最大比例。稅收升幅最凌厲為印花稅,錄得五百一十五億元,較前一年前狂飆一點○六倍;當中以股票印花稅收升幅最突出,升逾一點三六倍達到三百五十四億元,物業印花稅收則升六成三,至一百五十七億元。博彩稅成績亦見理想,錄得一百三十億元,較前升百分之八,當中賽馬及六合彩投注稅收同升百分之九,佔逾一百○一億元。
Plane carrying Sudan officials crashes, 21 killed
Nineteen passengers and two crew members were killed when the plane went down in a remote Bahr Gazal region of southern Sudan, state-run SUNA news agency reported. Minister of Defense Dominic Dim Deng and Justin Yak, an adviser to the Southern Sudan president, were among the dead.
The cause of the crash was not immediately known. A U.N.-operated radio station that broadcasts in the area, Mireya FM, reported the plane belonged to the Southern Sudan Air Connection company.
SUNA said the pilot radioed a control tower in the city of Rumbek just before the crash, requesting permission to land because one of the engines had technical problems. A few minutes later, the tower lost contact with the plane.
Southern Sudan has its own semiautonomous government after a 2005 peace deal that ended more than two decades of civil war between the ethnic African south and Sudan’s Arab-dominated government in the capital Khartoum.
Voters turn out for what could be Democrats' final round
# NEW: Reports of heavy turnout for Indiana and North Carolina primaries
# 187 delegates are at stake in Tuesday's primaries
# Sen. Hillary Clinton calls primaries a "game changer"
# Clinton must win 70 percent of remaining pledged delegates to match Obama
Oil hits $122 a barrel
NEW YORK (AP) -- Oil futures blasted to a new record of $122 a barrel Tuesday, gaining momentum as investors bought on a forecast of much higher prices and on any news hinting at supply shortages. Retail gas prices edged lower, but appear poised to rise to new records of their own in coming weeks.
A new Goldman Sachs prediction that oil prices could rise to $150 to $200 within two years seemed to motivate much of Tuesday's buying, although a falling dollar and increasing concerns about declining crude production in Mexico and Russia contributed, analysts say.
Light, sweet crude for June delivery jumped to a new record of $122 a barrel before retreating slightly to trade up $1.92 at $121.89 on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Bush to Myanmar: 'Let us help'
"Let the United States come and help you," Bush exhorted the junta on Tuesday.
The death toll has risen to more than 22,000, Myanmar state radio and opposition sources said Tuesday, and has left much of the country without electricity, communications and transportation. The cyclone is the deadliest natural disaster to hit Myanmar -- also known as Burma -- in recorded history, according to a U.N.-funded disaster database that includes figures from the past century.
"The situation is very bad and not getting better," Shari Villarosa, the top U.S. diplomat in Myanmar, told CNN Tuesday.
Many in the international community want to help but are still waiting for the Myanmar government to grant their relief teams entry into the country, Villarosa said. The U.S. Embassy in Myanmar issued a "disaster declaration" in the country and authorized the release of $250,000 for cyclone relief efforts, Deputy State Department spokesman Tom Casey said.
"The United States has made an initial aid contribution, but we want to do a lot more," Bush said at the White House.
"We are prepared to move U.S. Navy assets to help find those who have lost their lives, to help find the missing, and help stabilize the situation.
"But in order to do so, the military junta must allow our disaster assessment teams into the country," Bush said.
The U.S. Navy is making preparations to respond to any requests for assistance, U.S. military officials said. The Navy has calculated it would take its nearest ships four days to get to the affected area. Now that the commercial airport in Yangon has reopened, other aid could be brought in by military air transport.
Myanmar's military junta is subject to international sanctions. Its most famous pro-democracy activist, Aung San Suu Kyi, is under house arrest. Bush's statement on Myanmar came as he signed legislation awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to Suu Kyi "in recognition of her courageous and unwavering commitment to peace, nonviolence, human rights, and democracy in Burma."
A key United Nations agency said Tuesday that simply getting visas for aid workers to enter Myanmar is the greatest challenge facing international aid organizations trying to bring relief into the cyclone-ravaged country. Visas are only available through the foreign ministry in Yangon, the United Nations Joint Logistics Center said in a statement. The government of Myanmar has not officially endorsed international assistance, the UNJLC added, but said Myanmar "is willing to accept international assistance, preferably bilateral, government to government."
Thai Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama said Tuesday Thailand is sending supplies and $100,000 in aid. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies said it has released 200,000 Swiss francs (about $190,000) to help with the aftermath of the storm