Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Auto sales down in September

PETALING JAYA: Automotive sales experienced another dismal month in September, with its total sales dropping 9.1% or 4,305 units month-on-month, compared to August.

According to figures released by the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA), total sales in September fell by 15.2% year on year to 42,884 units.

Out of these, 31,178 were passenger cars and 11,706 units were commercial vehicles.

National vehicles sales fell year on year by 12.3% with just 27,920 vehicles while non-national cars also dropped 19.6% at 13,964 units sold.

Production has also fallen by 23.8% at 39,587 cars.

There were 28,904 passenger car units and 10,683 commercial vehicles made in the month.

Production of national passenger cars dropped by 21.1%, with 23,849 units.

However, national commercial vehicles were fairly level from last year, at just a 0.4% rise with 3,789 units made.

As for non-national cars, 11,949 units were manufactured, which was a year on year drop of 33.5% compared to the corresponding period last year.

On its outlook for October, MAA said that sales volume are expected to be lower than that of September, due to the short working month as a result of the festive holidays

Low volume here we come .......

visit my store, Datco .....

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